The Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) was part of the United States Air Force (USAF) human spaceflight program in the 1960s. The project was developed from early USAF concepts of crewed space stations as reconnaissance satellites, and was a successor to the canceled Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar military reconnaissance space plane. Plans for the MOL evolved into a single-use laboratory, for which crews would be launched on 30-day missions, and return to Earth using a Gemini B spacecraft derived from NASA's Gemini spacecraft and launched with the laboratory.
This patch is a replica of the "Flight Crew" version of the MOL patch. Most recently a version of this patch was sold at auction and was owned by Karol Bobko. This patch is a replica of this patch and is 5" inches in diameter.
Delivery is expected mid-February.
This is a photo of an original patch: